Keeping a Pulse on Providers: Supplier Success in the Next Decade

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US healthcare providers are continuing to stratify into segments with distinct priorities and needs, requiring suppliers to evolve their commercial engagement models and offerings. Suppliers need to align their organizations with the needs of progressive, thriving health systems to be successful in the next decade.

By Ilya Trakhtenberg, Jonas Funk, and Monish Rajpal, L.E.K. Consulting

US healthcare providers are evolving and their suppliers must evolve with them. The provider landscape continues to be reshaped by economic pressures and technology developments. Simultaneously, the market ecosystem is becoming more crowded as non-traditional participants (e.g., Amazon Inc., Apple Inc.) seek to take advantage of opportunities in healthcare. To be successful in the next decade, healthcare product and service suppliers need to understand their customers much more robustly than in the past, and adapt their commercial engagement models and offerings to the varying needs of provider segments.


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