nQ Medical: Computational Biomarker for Brain Health Collected Real-Time, All the Time, and Easily

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NeuroQWERTY analyzes patients’ typing patterns as they interact with keyboards and touchscreens in their daily activities. In the process, it collects data used to identify the presence of brain diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and can monitor their progression and response to drug and device therapeutic interventions.

As important as brain health is, clinicians lack objective biomarkers and other measures for assessing most neurodegenerative diseases. While cardiovascular diseases can be diagnosed and followed with routine blood pressure readings and simple blood tests that measure, for example, cholesterol or C-reactive protein, examinations for neurological conditions aren’t sensitive enough to catch them in early stages, objective enough for staging and understanding the progression of the disease, or cost-effective enough to be offered at frequent intervals. This is the challenge that nQ Medical Inc. aims to solve, with an exclusive license to disruptive technology developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 


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