EndoGastric Solutions Ushers in a New Day for GERD Interventions

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Over the past two decades, many companies have tried and failed to develop safe and effective interventions for gastroesophageal reflux disease to the point where the field was practically unfinanceable. But EndoGastric Solutions has not only survived the journey, it’s also gained FDA approval, reimbursement codes, and is now scaling up to serve a large patient population that previously had no good therapeutic options. Its recent $45 million venture capital round solidifies its lead.

At the end of May, EndoGastric Solutions Inc. announced that it successfully raised $45 million in venture capital, and that’s no small feat because it’s a device company with a treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The interventional GERD space is littered by so many failures that for a time it became almost unfinanceable.


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