Eysz: Gaining Insight into Epilepsy

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Eysz aims to transform epilepsy care with an AI-based clinical decision support software solution that analyzes passive eye movement data, enabling clinicians to make informed treatment decisions, rather than depend on unreliable patient self-reported information.

The costs of treating epilepsy have risen dramatically each year. Compared to a decade ago, direct costs related to the condition have increased nearly 100% to $28 billion annually. Concerningly, this rise in patient expenses doesn’t correlate with an improvement in outcomes, which have remained at a stagnant rate since the 1990s.

Contributing to this lack of progress is the primary diagnostic tool used in determining seizure medication dosage for epilepsy: patient-self-reported data, which studies have shown to have an accuracy rate of 50% or less. Unreliable data leads to more hospital visits, and for a patient, fear about the stability of their own condition. Not to mention, the pressure of diligent self-tracking and self-reporting can be intrusive to a patient’s lifestyle.


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